The Batman is the superhero protector of Gotham City, a tortured, brooding vigilante dressed as a bat who fights against evil and strikes fear into the hearts of criminals everywhere.
- Movie: The Batman
- Character: Bruce Wayne
- Material: Elastic Knitted Fabric Faux Leather Sanded Fabric
- Package included: Bag*5 Belt*1 Cloak Glove Hand Guard*2 Handcuff Inner Wear Leg Bag*1 Pants Spaulder*2 Vest Arm Guard*2
- Shipping:
- Processing time: 7-15 days. (Size XXXL is in stock and ready to ship.)
- Free Shipping: 10-15 days.
- Fast Shipping: 3-5 days.
- Attention: For quick use, Make sure you will choose fast shipping!